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Journals of the International Academy of Integral Dentistry

DEAR FRIENDS  we are pleased to inform you that the AIOI continuing education magazines, in the digital edition, are available to follow:

Instructions for authors at the bottom of the page

AIOI Magazine #23 - Volume 3 - Number 3 - June 2013



AIOI Magazine #24 - Volume 3 - Number 4 - August 2013



AIOI Magazine #25 - Volume 3 - Number 5 - May 2014



AIOI Magazine #26 - Volume 3 - Number 6 - September 2014




instructions for authors

 aioi MAGAZINE ISSN 1390-6410

The aioi Magazine is a quarterly publication of the International Academy of Integral Dentistry that disseminates articles in all fields of Dentistry. The articles are products of original investigations, clinical cases, reviews, comments, reports of scientific meetings. In addition, the Journal publishes letters, opinions, news and information related to research activities and policies in Dentistry.

The submitted manuscripts will be submitted to review procedures by an Evaluation Commission. To facilitate the article editing process, authors must abide by the following guidelines:

Shipping and receiving items
Through written communication addressed to the Editor of the aioi Magazine, the authors may send the original version of the article electronically to the email address of the magazine o in the middle magnetic to the following address: Editor Revista INTERNACIONAL DE ODONTOLOGIA INTEGRAL  Calle ALPALLANA E6-164 Y WHIMPER Quito- Ecuador. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_articles must be accompanied by a cover letter addressed also to the Editor or Director of the journal, in which the authors request to submit the article for publication, along with the attached format specifying that it is a previously unpublished work. , nor submitted to another simultaneous publication and that all the authors agree, both with its content and granting the publication rights to the Rev. ta AIOI

The Editor will acknowledge receipt of the received manuscripts, informing the authors about their acceptance to submit them for evaluation, or of the suggestions to include them in this process. Once accepted, they will be sent for evaluation by expert peers, (Definition of a journal with an expert review system) peer-review, who will recommend their publication or rejection to the Publications Committee, attaching the respective suggestions, whether methodological, content, or style, which will be sent to the writers, so that they can make the suggested adjustments. In case of disagreement, the authors will express their concepts to the Editor, who will send them to a second or third evaluator and with the new concept, the Publications Committee will make a final decision, which will be informed to the authors in a timely manner.

In case of acceptance for publication, the authors will only maintain the authorship rights of their articles, since the publication rights will become the property of Revistaa.ioi, so they cannot be partially or totally reproduced without written permission from the Editor. In the same way, the authors will assign to the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF INTEGRAL DENTISTRY exclusively the rights of reproduction, distribution, translation and public communication of their work by any means or support, be it printed, audio-visual or electronic.

The content of the articles published in the aioi Journal is the sole responsibility of the authors, so they do not represent the thoughts of the Editor, nor of the members of the journal, nor of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF INTEGRAL DENTISTRY.

Item Type

Items will be received with the following theme:
 1. Article of scientific and technological research. Document that presents, in detail, the original results of research projects. The structure generally used contains four important sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

2. Reflection article. Document that presents research results from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.

3. Review article. Document resulting from an investigation where the results of published or unpublished research on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for the advances and development trends.

 It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.

 4. Short article. Brief document that presents preliminary or partial original results of scientific or technological research, which generally require prompt dissemination.

 5. Case report. Document that presents the results of a study on a particular situation in order to publicize the technical and methodological experiences considered in a specific case. Includes a systematic commented review of the literature on similar cases.

6. Theme review. Document resulting from the critical review of the literature on a particular topic.

7. Letters to the Editor. Critical, analytical or interpretative positions on the documents published in the journal, which in the opinion of the Publications Committee constitute an important contribution to the discussion of the subject by the scientific community of reference.

8. Gallery of medical images. Photographs of high-impact clinical cases will be received, or that due to their infrequency deserve to be recognized and disclosed.



Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.


The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors met informally in Vancouver, British Columbia, in 1978 to establish format guidelines for manuscripts submitted to their journals. The group became known as the Vancouver Group. Its requirements for manuscripts, which included formats for bibliographic references developed by the US National Library of Medicine (NLM), were first published in 1979. The Vancouver Group grew to become the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( CIDRM), which currently meets annually.

The Committee has produced five editions of the uniform requirements. With the passage of time, the topics included that go beyond the preparation of the manuscript have increased. Some of these topics are currently included in the uniform requirements; others are found in additional statements.

The fifth edition (1997) was an effort to reorganize and more clearly write the content of the fourth edition and focus on rights, privacy, descriptions of methods, and other matters. The content of the uniform requirements may be reproduced in its entirety for non-profit educational purposes, without regard to copyright; the committee encourages distribution of this document.

Journals that agree to apply the Uniform Requirements (approximately 500) are required to cite the 1997 document in their guidelines for authors.

It is important to highlight what these requirements imply.

-First of all, the uniform requirements are instructions to authors on how to prepare their manuscripts, and not to editors on the style of their publications (although many journals have taken advantage of them and incorporated them into their publication styles).

-Secondly, if the authors prepare their manuscripts according to the style specified in these requirements, the directors of the journals covered by it will not return the manuscripts to make changes in style. However, in the editorial process, journals can modify the accepted manuscripts to adapt them to their publication style.

-Thirdly, authors who submit their manuscripts to a journal that participates in this regulation must not prepare their manuscripts according to the style of the specific journal, but must follow the Uniform Requirements.

Authors will also follow the instructions of each journal regarding which topics are pertinent and the type of articles to be accepted: for example, originals, reviews, or clinical notes. In addition, these instructions will likely include other publication-specific requirements that must be followed, such as the number of copies of the manuscript, the languages accepted, the length of the article, and the abbreviations allowed.

Journals that have adopted these requirements are expected to indicate in their instructions to authors that their standards follow "the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals" and to cite a published version of them.


Redundant or duplicate publication

Redundant or duplicate publication consists of the publication of an article that substantially coincides with another already published.

Readers of biomedical journals must be guaranteed that what they are reading is original, unless it is unequivocally informed that the article is a reissue, decided by the author or editor of the journal. This decision must be in accordance with international copyright laws, ethical conduct and the efficient use of resources.

Most journals do not wish to receive articles for papers for which an article has already been published or that are proposed or accepted for publication in other media, whether print or electronic. This policy does not prevent a journal from accepting a manuscript rejected by others, or a complete paper after the publication of a preliminary study in the form of an abstract or poster presented at a scientific congress. Journals may accept for publication an article that has been presented at a scientific congress as long as it has not been published in its entirety, or is currently being considered for publication in the proceedings or in another similar format.

The publication of journalistic information about the congresses, generally, is not considered an infraction if it is not extended with the inclusion of tables, illustrations and additional data.

When submitting an original, the author should inform the journal editor of any submission of the paper to other journals, or of any prior work that could be considered a previous or duplicate publication of an identical or very similar work. The author must also notify the editor if the work includes issues addressed in already published works. These previous works must be cited in the new original and copies will be included, which together with the manuscript, will be sent to the editor to help him deal with this issue.

If the publication of redundant or duplicate work is attempted, without the aforementioned notification, the logical thing to do is to expect that the editor of the journal in question will adopt certain measures. At the very least, the received original will be immediately rejected. If the editor is unaware of this fact and the original has already been published, a note will usually appear advising of the redundant publication with or without the author's explanation or permission.

Preliminary disclosure, usually through the media, government agencies, or manufacturers, of scientific information contained in an accepted but unpublished article is a violation of the editorial policy followed by many journals. This disclosure may be defended when the article describes significant therapeutic advances or public health risks such as adverse effects of drugs, vaccines, other biologics, or medical devices, or notifiable diseases. This disclosure must not compromise the publication, although this aspect must be previously discussed and agreed with the director.

Acceptable Secondary Post

Secondary publication in the same or another language, especially in other countries, is justified and can be beneficial if the following conditions are met:

1.- That the authorization of the directors of both magazines be available; the director of the journal that is going to carry out the secondary publication will have a photocopy, reprint or original of the original version.

2.- The priority of the original publication will be respected, leaving an interval of at least one week before the publication of the second version (unless both directors decide otherwise).

3.- That the article of the secondary publication is addressed to a different group of readers, a summarized version is usually sufficient.

4.- The secondary version must faithfully reflect the data and interpretations of the original.

5.- In a footnote on the first page of the secondary version, readers, reviewers and documentation centers must be informed that the article has already been published in whole or in part and the original reference must be stated. An appropriate text for such a note could be the following: "This article is based on a study originally published in (journal title and full reference)".

6.- The permission or authorization for the secondary publication duty free.

Protection of the right to privacy of patients

The right to privacy of patients should not be infringed without their informed consent. For this reason, identifying information in texts, photographs and medical records will not be published, unless such information is essential from a scientific point of view and the patient (family or guardian) has given their written consent for its publication. The consent to which we refer requires that the patient have access to the original document that is intended to be published.

Identification data will be omitted if it is not essential, but patient data must not be altered or falsified to achieve anonymity. Total anonymity is difficult to achieve, and when in doubt, informed consent must be obtained. For example, the fact of hiding the eye area in photographs of patients does not guarantee adequate protection of anonymity.

Obtaining informed consent must be included as a prerequisite for the admission of articles in the journal's rules for authors, and its obtaining must be mentioned in the text of the article.


Guidelines for specific study design

Researchers often omit important information in their publications. The general requirements listed in the next section refer to the essential elements that the design of any type of study must contain. Authors are also encouraged to refer to the guidelines for the specific type of research design. In randomized clinical trials authors should refer to the CONSORT questionnaire ( This guide provides a set of recommendations through a list of items to collect and a patient flow diagram.


Summary of technical requirements

-Double space throughout the article.

-Start each section or component of the article on one page.

-Check the order: title page, abstract and keywords, text, acknowledgments, bibliographical references, tables (on separate pages) and legends.

-The size of the illustrations, positive unmounted, must not exceed 203 x 254 mm.

-Include authorizations for the reproduction of previously published material or for the use of illustrations that can identify people.

-Attach the copyright release and relevant forms.

-Send the number of copies on paper that is necessary.

-Keep a copy of all material sent.

Master preparation

The text of the observational and experimental articles is usually (although not necessarily) structured in the following sections: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. In the case of long articles, it is convenient to use subsections in some sections (especially in the Results and Discussion sections) for greater clarity of the content. Probably, other types of articles, such as clinical cases, reviews and editorials, require another structure. Authors should consult the journal in question for more information.

The text of the article will be typed or printed on quality white paper measuring 216 x 279 mm. o ISO A4 (212 x 297 mm.) with margins of at least 25 mm. The paper will be written on one side only. Double space the entire article, including the title pages, abstract, text, acknowledgments, bibliographical references, tables, and legends. Pages are numbered consecutively starting with the title page. The page number will be located in the upper or lower right hand corner of each page.

Manuscripts on diskette

Some journals ask the authors for a copy in electronic support (floppy disk); being able to accept various formats of processors or text files (ASCII).

When submitting diskettes, authors must:

-Make sure that a version of the manuscript has been included on the diskette.

-Include on the disk only the latest version of the manuscript.

-Clearly specify the name of the file.

-Label the diskette with the format and name of the file.

-Provide information about the software and hardware used.

Authors should refer to the journal's author guidelines section for instructions regarding which formats are accepted, naming conventions for files and diskettes, the number of copies to be submitted, and other details. .

title page

The title page will contain:

1.     El título del artículo, que debe ser conciso pero informativo.

2.      El nombre de cada uno de los authors, accompanied by their highest academic degree and their institutional affiliation.

3.      El nombre del departamento o departamentos e institution or institutions to which the work should be attributed.

4.      En su caso, una declaración de disclaimer.

5.      El nombre y la dirección del autor responsible for correspondence.

6.      El nombre y la dirección del autor to which reprints may be requested, or notice that the authors will not provide them.

7.      Origen del apoyo recibido en forma de subsidies, equipment and medicines.

8.      Título abreviado de no más de 40 characters (including letters and spaces) located at the bottom of the first page.


All persons listed as authors must meet certain requirements to receive such a designation. Each author must have participated to a sufficient degree to assume public responsibility for the content of the work. One or several authors must be responsible or in charge of the entire work, from the beginning of the work until the article has been published.

Giving someone author credit must be based solely on their essential contribution to: 1) study conception and design, or data collection, or data analysis and interpretation; 2) the writing of the article or the critical revision of a substantial part of its intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published. Requirements 1, 2 and 3 will have to be met simultaneously. Participation exclusively in obtaining funds or in data collection or general supervision of the research group does not justify authorship.

The directors of the journals may request the authors to describe the participation of each of them and this information may be published. The rest of the people who contribute to the work and who are not the authors should be cited in the acknowledgments section.

Increasingly, multicenter trials are being attributed to a corporate author. In these cases, all group members listed as authors must fully satisfy the authorship criteria above. Group members who do not meet these criteria should be mentioned, with their permission, in the acknowledgments section or in the appendix (see acknowledgments).

The order of the authors will depend on the decision jointly adopted by the co-authors. In any case, the authors must be able to explain the same.

Summary and Keywords

The second page will include an abstract (which will not exceed 150 words in the case of unstructured abstracts or 250 in structured ones). It will indicate the objectives of the study, the basic procedures (selection of study subjects or laboratory animals, observation and analytical methods), the most outstanding results (through the presentation of specific data and, to be possible, of its statistical significance), and the main conclusions. Emphasis will be placed on those aspects of the study or observations that are newer or more important.

After the abstract, the authors must present and identify as such, from 3 to 10 keywords that facilitate documentary analysis of the article to the documentalists and that will be published together with the abstract. Use for this purpose the list of Medical Terms (MeSH) of the Index Medicus; if there is no suitable term in that list and it is not available in the newly introduced terms, the new terms can be used.


The purpose of the article will be indicated and a justification of the study will be summarized. In this section of the article, only the strictly necessary bibliographical references will be included and no data or conclusions of the work will be included.



Describe clearly how the subjects under observation or participants in the experiments (patients or laboratory animals, also controls) were selected. Indicate the age, sex, and other salient characteristics of the subjects. Since in research the relevance of the use of data with age, sex or race can be ambiguous, when they are included in a study, their use should be justified. It will clearly indicate how and why the study was carried out in a certain way. For example, articles must justify why only subjects of certain ages are included in the article or women are excluded from it. Terms such as "race" that lack a precise biological meaning should be avoided and the alternative expressions "ethnicity" or "ethnic group" should be used instead. In the methods section, the meaning of the terms used must be carefully specified and detail exactly how the data was collected (for example, which expressions are included in the survey, if it is a self-administered questionnaire or the collection was carried out by other people etc)

Describe the methods, equipment (give manufacturer's name and address in parentheses), and procedures used in sufficient detail to allow other investigators to reproduce the results. References to accredited methods will be provided, including statistical ones (see below); References and brief descriptions of methods that, although published, are not widely known, will be given; The new methods or those subjected to substantial modifications will be described, justifying their use and evaluating their limitations. Accurately identify all drugs and chemicals used, including generic names, dosages, and routes of administration.

In randomized clinical trials, information will be provided on the main elements of the study, including the protocol (study population, interventions or exposures, results and reasoning for the statistical analysis), the allocation of interventions (randomization methods, concealment in allocation to treatment groups), and method of blinding.

In the case of review articles, a section must be included in which the methods used to locate, select, collect and synthesize the data will be described. These methods will also be described in the abstract of the article.


In the case of experimental studies in humans, indicate whether the ethical standards of the committee (institutional or regional) in charge of supervising human trials and the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975 modified in 1983 were followed. Do not use, especially in the illustrations , the name, neither the initials nor the number of the medical records of the patients. When experiments with animals are carried out, it will be indicated if the guidelines of the institution or of a national research council have been followed, or if any national law on the care and use of laboratory animals has been taken into account.


Describe the statistical methods in sufficient detail to allow a knowledgeable reader with access to the original data to verify the published results. To the extent possible, quantify the findings and present the findings with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Exclusive reliance on statistical hypothesis verification tests, such as the use of P values, which do not provide any important quantitative information, will be avoided. Analyze the inclusion criteria of the experimental subjects. Please provide details about the process that has been followed in the randomization. Describe the masking methods used. Record complications of treatment. Specify the number of observations made. Indicate observational subject losses (such as dropouts in a clinical trial). Whenever possible, references to study design and statistical methods will be to current papers (indicating the page number) rather than the original articles where they were first described. Specify any commonly used computer programs that have been used.

In the methods section include a general description of the methods used. When you summarize the data in the results section, specify the statistical methods used to analyze the data. The number of tables and figures will be restricted to the minimum necessary to explain the subject matter of the work and to evaluate the data on which it is based. Use charts as an alternative to long tables. Avoid the non-technical and therefore misuse of technical statistical terms such as "chance" (refers to the use of a random distribution method), "normal", "significant", "correlations", and "sample". Define terms, abbreviations, and most statistical symbols.


Present the results in text, tables, and graphs following a logical sequence. Do not repeat the data in the tables or illustrations in the text; highlight or summarize only the most important observations.


Emphasize those new and important aspects of the study and the conclusions that follow from them. You should not repeat, in detail, the data or other information already included in the introduction and results sections. Explain in the discussion section the meaning of the results, the limitations of the study, as well as its implications for future research. Observations made will be compared with those of other relevant studies.

Relationship the conclusions with the objectives of the study, avoid unsubstantiated statements and conclusions insufficiently supported by the data. In particular, authors should refrain from making any claims about economic costs or benefits, unless economic data and analysis are included in their article. Works that are not finished will not be quoted. Propose new hypotheses when justified, but clearly identifying them as such. Recommendations may be included when appropriate.


Include the list of all those people who have collaborated but who do not meet the authorship criteria, such as technical help received, help in writing the manuscript, or general support provided by the head of the department. Financial support and material resources received will also be included in the acknowledgments.

People who have collaborated in the preparation of the original, but whose contributions do not justify their accreditation as authors may be cited under the name of "clinical investigators" or "participating investigators" and their function or type of contribution should be specified, for example, " scientific advisor", "critical review of the study proposal", "data collection" or "participation in the clinical trial".

Since readers may deduce that the persons cited in the acknowledgments in some way endorse the data and conclusions of the study, written permission of the persons cited in that section will be obtained.

Bibliographic references

Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. In this, in the tables and legends, the references will be identified by means of Arabic numerals between parentheses. The references cited only in the tables or illustrations will be numbered following the sequence established by the first mention made in the text of the specific table or figure.

The style of the examples below will be used, which are based on the style used by the NLM in the Index Medicus. Abbreviate journal titles according to the style used by Index Medicus. Consult the list of indexed journals in Index Medicus, which the NLM publishes annually as part of the January issue of Index Medicus, and as a separate issue. This list can also be obtained from the web address of the NLM.

Avoid citing abstracts. The references made to originals accepted but not yet published will be indicated with expressions such as "in press" or "next publication"; Authors must obtain written authorization and have proof that their publication is accepted. Information about manuscripts submitted to a journal but not accepted, cite it in the text as "unpublished observations", with prior written authorization from the source.

Do not cite a "personal communication" either, except when it provides essential information that is not available in publicly accessible sources, in these cases the name of the person and the date of the communication will be included between parentheses in the text. . In scientific articles, authors who cite a personal communication must obtain written authorization.

The authors will verify the references by comparing them with the original documents.

The Uniform Requirements style (Vancouver style) is largely based on the ANSI standard style adopted by the NLM for its databases. Notes have been added where the Vancouver style differs from the style used by the NLM.


Note: The Uniform Requirements, in its original edition, contains 35 examples of different documents that can be used as bibliographical references. To make it easier for Spanish-speaking readers to understand, we have provided the structure that the reference must have accompanied by an example, in many cases, different from the original document. We wish to clarify that we made an adaptation with the legal documents (nº 27 of the original publication) and added an example of a web page citation at the end.

Magazine Articles

standard article
Author/s. Article title. International abbreviation for the magazine. Year; volume (number): initial and final page of the article.

Díez Jiménez JA, Cienfuegos Márquez M, Suárez Fernández E. Adventitious respiratory sounds: confounding factors. Med Clin (Barc) 1997; 109(16): 632-634.

Six first authors are mentioned followed by the abbreviation et al. (Note: National Library of Medicine (NLM), includes up to 25 authors; when their number is greater, the first 24 are cited, then the last author and then et al.).

More than six authors
Martín Cantera C, Córdoba García R, Jane Julio C, Nebot Adell M, Galán Herrera S, Aliaga M et. to the. Med Clin (Barc) 1997; 109(19):744-748.

Corporate Author
SEPAR Working Group. Regulations on the management of life-threatening hepmothysis. Arch Bronconeumol 1997; 33:31-40.

The author's name is not indicated
Cancer in South Africa [editorial]. S Afr Med J. 1994; 84:15

Article in a language other than English*
Collin JF, Lanwens F. La veine carotide externe. Rappel historique des travaux de Paul Launay. Ann Chir Esthet 1997; 42: 291-295.
* Articles must be written in their original language if the spelling is Latin.

one volume supplement
Bonfill X. Evidence-based medicine. The Cochrane Collaboration. Arch Bronconeumol 1997; 33 Suppl 1: 117.

Supplement of a number
Leyha SS. The role of Interferon Alfa in the treatment of metastatic melanoma. Semin Oncol 1997; 24 (1 Suppl 4): 524-531.

part of a volume
Ozben T Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma and urine sialic acid in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Clin Biochen 1995; 32(Pt3): 303-6.

part of a number
Peter JB, Greening AP, Crompton GK. Glucocorticoid Resistance in Asthma. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1995; 152 (6 pt 2): S12-S142.

number without volume
Pastor Duran. X. Medical informatics and its hospital implementation. All Hosp 1997; (131): 7-14.

No number or volume
Browell DA, Lennard TW. Immunologic status of the cancer patient and the effects of blood transfusion on antitumor responses. Curr Opin Gen Surg 1993; 325-33.

Roman numeral pagination
Fisher GA, Sikic BL. Drug resistance in clinical oncology and hematology. Introduction. Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 1995 Apr; 9(2): XI-XII.

Indication of the type of article as appropriate
Enzensberger W, Fischer PA. Metronome in Parkinson`s disease [letter]. Lancet 1996; 347:1337.
Clement J, De Bock R. Hematological complications of hantavirus nephropathy (HVN) [abstract]. Kidney Int 1992; 42:1285.

Article containing a retraction
Garey Ce, Schwarzman AL, Rise ML, Seyfried TN. Ceruloplasmin gene defect associated with epilepsy in the mice [retracted from Garey CE, Schwarzman AL, Rise ML, Seyfried TN. In: Nat Genet 1994: 6: 426-31]. Nat Genet 1995; 11:104.

Article withdrawn by retraction
Liou GI, Wang M, Matragoon S. Precocius IRBP gene expression during mouse development [retracted in Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994; 35:3127]. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1994; 35:1083-8.

Article for which an errata has been published
Hamlin JA, Kahn AM. Herniography in synptpmatic patients following inguinal hernia repair [errata in West J Med 1995; 162:278]. West J Med 1995; 162:28-31.

Books and Other Monographs

Note: The previous edition of the Vancouver style erroneously added a comma instead of a semicolon between the publisher and the date.

individual authors
Author/s. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year.

Note: The first edition does not need to be consigned. The edition is always put in Arabic numerals and abbreviation: 2nd ed..- 2nd ed. If the work consists of more than one volume, we must cite it after the title of the book Vol. 3

Jiménez C, Riaño D, Moreno E, Jabbour N. Advances in abdominal organ transplantation. Madrid: Cuadecon; 1997.

Editor(s) Compiler(s)
Gallo Vallejo FJ, León López FJ, Martínez-Cañavate López-Montes J, Tonío Duñantez J. Editores. Family and Community Medicine Resident's Manual. 2nd ed.. Madrid: SEMFYC; 1997.

Organization as Author and Publisher
Ministry of Health. Health Plan 1995. Madrid: Ministry of Health and Consumption; nineteen ninety five.

Chapter of the book
Author/s of the chapter. Chapter title. In: Director / Compiler of the book. Title of the book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year. p. initial-end page of the chapter.

Buti Ferret M. Acute viral hepatitis. In: Rodés Teixidor J, Guardia Massó J dir. Internal Medicine. Barcelona: Massón; 1997. p. 1520-1535.

conference proceedings
Kimura J, Shibasaki H, editors. Recent advances in clinical neurophysiology. Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of EMG and Clinical Neurophysiology; 1995 Oct 15-19; Kyoto, Japan. Amsterdam: Elsevier; nineteen ninety six.

Paper presented at a conference
Author/s of the communication / paper. Title of the communication / paper. In: Official title of the Congress. Place of Publication: Editorial; year. initial-final page of the communication / presentation.

Peiró S. Comparative evaluation of health efficiency and hospital quality through profiles of medical practice. In: Menen R, Ortun V editors. Health policy and management: the explicit agenda. Seminar Elements for an agenda in health policy and management; Valencia April 25-26, 1996. Barcelona: SG editors; 1996. p. 63-78

Scientific or technical report
Author/s. Report title. Place of publication: Organizations / Publishing agency; year. Number or identifying series of the report.

World Health Organization. Cardiovascular disease risk factors: new areas of research. Report of a WHO Scientific Group. Geneva: WHO; 1994. Technical Report Series: 841.

doctoral thesis
Author. Thesis title. [Doctoral Thesis] . Place of publication: Publisher; year.

Muñiz García J. Cross-sectional study of cardiovascular risk factors in children in rural Galicia. [PhD thesis]. Santiago: Publications and Scientific Exchange Service, University of Santiago; nineteen ninety six.

Qlarsen CE, Trip R, Johnson CR, inventors; Novoste Corporation, assign. Methods for procedures related to the electrophysiology of the heart. US patent 5,529,067. 1995 June 25.

Other published works

Newspaper article
Author of the article. Article title. Name of the newspaper. Year month day. Section. Page (column).

Audiovisual material
Author/s.Title of the video [video] . Place of publication: Publisher; year.
Applicable to all audiovisual supports.

Borrel F. The clinical interview. Listen and ask. [video] Barcelona: Doyma; 1997.

Legal documents
Title of the law. (Name of the Official Gazette, date, year of publication).
approved law
Law 31/1995 of November 8, on Occupational Risk Prevention. (Official State Gazette, number 269, of 11-10-95).

Map name [map type] . Place of publication: Publisher; year.

Sada 21-IV (1 to 8) [topographic map]. Madrid: Ministry of Public Works and Urban Planning, General Directorate of the National Geographic Institute; 1991.

Title. Version. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; year. Book: verse.

Holy Bible. Translated from the Latin Vulgate by José Miguel Petisco. 9th ed.. Madrid: Editorial Apostolate of the Press; 1964. Wisdom 18:5-25.

Dictionaries and reference works
Dorland Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicine. 28th ed. Madrid: McGraw-Hill, Inter-American; 1997. Diphtheria; p. 537.

classic writings
Title of the work: Act, scene, paragraph. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher; year.

The Merchant of Venice: Act 3, scene one, paragraph 21-23. Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Madrid: Aguilar; 1981.

unpublished material

In press
(Note: NLM prefers "forthcoming" because not all issues will be printed.)
Leshner AI. Molecular mechanisms of cocaine addiction. N Engl J Med. In press 1997.

Magazine article in electronic format
Author. Title. Abbreviated name of the journal [type of support] year [date of access]; volume (number): pages or extension indicator. Available in:

Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus infection associated infusion therapy for hemophilia. MMWR [online] 1997 July 4 [accessed 11 Jan 2001]; 46(26). URL available at: in electronic format
Title. [Media Type] . editors or producers. Edition. Version. Place of publication: Publisher; year.


Duane`s Ophthalmology on CD-ROM User Guide. [monograph on CD-ROM]. Tasman W, Jaeger E editor. version 2.0. Hagenstown: Lippincolt-Raven; 1997.

computer file
Author. Title.[Media Type]. Version. Place: Publisher; year.

Hemodynamics III: the ups and downs of hemodynamics [computer program]. Version 2.2. Orlando (FL): Computerized Educational Systems; 1993.



Type or print each table double-spaced on a separate sheet. Do not present tables in the form of photographs. Number the tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and assign a short title to each one. Each column will contain a brief heading. Precise explanations can be found in footnotes, not in the header of the table. These notes will specify the unusual abbreviations used in each table. As footnote callouts, use the following symbols in the following sequence:*, †, ‡, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡, etc.

Identify the statistical measures of variation, such as the standard deviation and the standard error of the mean.

Do not draw horizontal or vertical lines inside the tables.

Make sure each table is cited in the text.

If the table includes data, published or not, from another source, the necessary authorization must be obtained to reproduce them and this fact must be mentioned in the table.

The inclusion of an excessive number of tables in relation to the length of the text can make it difficult to compose the pages. Examine several recent issues of the journal to which you are submitting the article and estimate how many tables are included per thousand words of text.

In accepting an article, the journal editor may recommend that supplementary tables that contain interesting supporting data, but are too large for their application, be deposited with an archival service, such as the National Auxiliary Publications Service (NASP) at the United States, or that are provided by the authors to whom requests it. In this case, an informative note in this regard will be included in the text. However, these tables will be submitted to the journal along with the article to assess its acceptance.

Illustrations (Figures)

Submit the number of complete sets of figures requested by the magazine. Figures will be professionally drawn and photographed; Lettering by hand or typed will not be accepted. In lieu of original drawings, x-rays and other graphic materials, please submit high-contrast black and white photographic positives on glossy paper approximately 127 x 173 mm, but in no case larger than 203 x 254 mm. Letters, numbers, and symbols will be clear and consistent in all illustrations; They will also have a sufficient size so that they continue to be legible after the reduction necessary for publication. Titles and detailed explanations will be included in the legends of the illustrations and not on the illustrations themselves.

On the back of each figure a label will be attached indicating the number of the figure, name of the author, and which is the upper part of it. Do not write directly on the back of the figures or fasten them with paperclips, as marks remain and the figure may be damaged. Figures will not be folded or mounted on cardstock.

Microphotographs should themselves include a scale indicator. The symbols, arrows and letters used in these will have adequate contrast to distinguish themselves from the background.

If photographs of people are used, they should not be identifiable; otherwise, written permission must be attached to be able to use them (see the section on protection of the right to privacy of patients).

The figures will be numbered consecutively according to their first mention in the text. If the figure has previously been published, cite the original source and provide written permission from the copyright holder for reproduction of the material. Such permission is required regardless of who the author or publisher is; the only exception is for documents in the public domain.

For color illustrations, check to see if the magazine needs color negatives, slides, or photographic prints. The inclusion of a diagram indicating the part of the photograph to be reproduced may be helpful to the director. Some magazines only publish color illustrations if the author pays the additional cost.

illustration captions

The footnotes or legends of the illustrations will be typed or printed double-spaced, beginning on a separate sheet, with the Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers or letters are used to refer to certain parts of the illustrations, the meaning of each must be identified and clarified in the legend. On microscope photographs, explain the scale and specify the staining method used.

Measurement units

Measurements of length, height, weight and volume must be expressed in metric units (meter, kilogram, liter) or their decimal multiples.

Temperatures will be given in degrees Celsius and blood pressures in millimeters of mercury.

All the values of hematological and biochemical parameters will be presented in units of the metric decimal system, according to the International System of Units (SI). However, the directors of the journals may request that, before publishing the article, the authors add alternative or different units to those of the SI.

Abbreviations and symbols

Use only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. When an abbreviation is used for the first time in the text, it will be preceded by the full term, unless it is a common unit of measure.


Send the required number of copies of the manuscript in a sturdy paper envelope; if necessary, protect the prints and figures by placing them in a cardboard folder to prevent them from bending. Place the photos and slides separately in their own sturdy paper envelope.

Manuscripts will be accompanied by a cover letter signed by all authors. This letter must include:

-Information about the previous or duplicate publication or submission of any part of the work to other journals, as indicated above.

-A statement of economic or other relationships that could lead to a conflict of interest (discussed later).

-A statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors, that the authorship requirements set forth above have been met, and that each author believes that the article constitutes an honest work; Y

-The name, address and telephone number of the author in charge of coordinating with the co-authors regarding the revisions and the final approval of the proofs of the article in question.

The letter should include any additional information that might be useful to the editor, such as the type of article in question and whether the author(s) are willing to cover the cost of printing the illustrations in color. Along with the manuscript, copies of the permissions obtained to reproduce already published materials, use illustrations, provide personal identification information or cite collaborators for the contributions made will be attached.


Definition of a journal with a peer-review system

A peer-reviewed journal is one that submits most of the articles it publishes to reviewers, experts in the field, who are not part of the editorial board of the journals. The number and type of manuscripts reviewed, the number of reviewers, the evaluation procedures and the use made of the opinions of the reviewers may vary and, therefore, each journal should publicly disclose, in the publication guidelines or instructions for the authors, their policy on this issue for the benefit of potential readers and authors.

Editorial freedom and integrity

The owners and directors of medical journals share the purpose of publishing journals that are truthful and interesting, produced with due respect for the principles and costs of the journals themselves. However, the roles of owners and directors are different. The owners have the right to appoint and remove the directors and to make important economic decisions, in which the directors must be involved to the greatest possible degree. The directors must have full authority to determine the editorial line of the publication. This commitment to editorial freedom must be defended by directors to the fullest, even putting their continuity in office at stake. To ensure this degree of freedom in practice, the director must have direct access to whoever holds the highest level of ownership and it is not enough that this relationship be established through a deputy or delegated director.

In the contract of the directors of medical journals, in addition to the general terms of the same, their rights and duties will be clearly indicated, as well as the mechanisms for conflict resolution.

An independent editorial board can be of great help in establishing and maintaining editorial policy.

All editorial directors and organizations have the obligation to ensure editorial freedom and publicly denounce serious attacks against it to the scientific community.


A conflict of interest occurs in a specific article when one of those who participate in the publication process (be it the author, reviewer or editor) carry out activities that could condition the prosecution, whether it occurs or not. Usually, the most important conflicts of interest consist of the existence of economic relationships with industries (as an employee, consultancy, property, fees, expert evidence) either directly or through direct family members. However, conflicts of interest may arise for other reasons, such as personal relationships, academic competitiveness, or intellectual zealotry.

Public confidence in the peer review process and the credibility of articles published in a journal largely depend on how the conflicts of interest of authors, reviewers, and editorial decision-making are resolved. Biases are often detected and eliminated by careful attention to the methods and scientific conclusions of the work. Economic ties and their effects are less easily detected than other types of conflicts of interest.

Participants in the review and publication must declare their possible conflicts of interest and this information must be known so that others can judge for themselves its effects. Because readers may find it more difficult to detect bias in editorials and reviews than in original research articles, some journals do not publish reviews or editorials by authors with conflicting interests.


When a manuscript is submitted for publication, be it an article or a letter to the editor, the authors of the manuscript are responsible for acknowledging and declaring the existence of a financial or other type of conflict of interest that could bias the work. The manuscript must specify all financial aid received that has made it possible to carry out the work, as well as other financial or personal relationships related to it.


The external reviewers must inform the directors of the existence of any conflict of interest that could bias their opinions on the manuscript and waive the evaluation of certain articles if they consider it appropriate. Editors need to be informed of reviewers' conflicts of interest and judge for themselves whether the reviewer should be relieved of reviewing an article. Reviewers must not use the information contained in the papers they review for their own benefit before publication.

Directors and staff  editorial

The directors who ultimately decide on the publication or not of the manuscripts should not have any personal financial involvement in any of the issues that they have to prosecute. The rest of the editorial staff, if they participate in editorial decisions, must provide the directors with an updated description of their financial interests, provided they can be related to the editorial assessments, and waive the making of any decision in the event of a conflict. of interests. Published articles and letters must include a description of all financial support received and disclose any conflicts of interest that, in the editors' judgment, readers should be aware of. The editorial staff will not use the information to which, by virtue of their profession, they have access for their own benefit.



Scientists have an ethical obligation to publish the results of their research. On the other hand, as directly responsible for their work, scientists should not reach agreements or establish negotiations that interfere with their own control over the decision to publish the articles they write.

When submitting a manuscript for publication, be it an article or a letter, it is the responsibility of the authors to acknowledge and declare any financial or other conflicts of interest that may have conditioned their work. In the manuscript they must acknowledge all financial assistance received in carrying out the work, as well as other financial or personal connections to the work.

Directors and staff  editorial

The directors, who ultimately decide on the publication or not of the manuscripts, should not have any personal financial involvement in any of the issues that they have to prosecute. The rest of the editorial staff, if they participate in editorial decisions, must provide the editors with an updated description of their financial interests, as long as they can be related to editorial assessments, and renounce making any decision in the event of a conflict of interest. interests. Published articles and letters must include a description of all financial support received and disclose any conflicts of interest that, in the editors' judgment, readers should be aware of. The editorial staff will not use the information to which, by virtue of their profession, they have access for their own benefit.

The directors may require the authors to indicate the type of help provided by external sources or sponsors to the project, be it in the design, collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or in the writing of the work. In the event that the funding source has not intervened in these aspects, it must be indicated. The biases that can potentially be produced by the direct involvement of the agencies sponsoring the research are analogous to other types of methodological biases (for example, in the design of the study, or those due to statistical and psychological factors). The type and degree of involvement of the sponsoring agency must be described in the methods section. Editors may also request information about whether or not the sponsoring agency was involved in the decision to submit the final manuscript for publication.


In principle, editors should assume that the papers published by authors are based on honest research. However, there can be two types of conflicts.

In the first place, errors produced in published works may require the publication of a correction or errata of some part of the work. Although there could be an error of such magnitude that it invalidates the article in its entirety, this circumstance is unlikely, but if the situation arises, it must be resolved specifically between the editors and authors based on each specific case. An error of this type should not be confused with the fact that insufficiencies or inadequate aspects are detected in a work revealed by the appearance of new scientific information in the normal course of the investigation. This last circumstance does not require the correction or withdrawal of the article.

The second problem is scientific fraud. If there are substantial doubts about the honesty of a paper submitted for publication or already published, the editor should ensure that the matter is investigated (including possible consultation with the authors). However, it is not the role of the principal to conduct a full investigation or make a determination; Said responsibility corresponds to the institution in which the work has been carried out or the organization that has financed it. The director must be promptly informed of the final decision and in the event that a fraudulent article is found to have been published, the journal will publish a retraction note. In the event that no definitive conclusion is reached about the possible existence or not of fraud, the director may decide to publish an explanatory note with his concern or doubts about the validity of the published work.

The retraction or an explanatory note with this denomination must appear as a numbered page in a prominent section of the journal, appear in its summary and include the title of the original article in its heading. Therefore, it should not be published simply as a letter to the editor. Ideally, the first author of the retraction should be the same as the author of the article, although under certain circumstances, retractions from other responsible persons may be accepted. The text of the retraction must explain why it is carried out and must include the bibliographical reference of the article object of the retraction.

The validity of the previous works of an author who has been detected as a fraudulent article cannot be assumed. Journal editors may request that the author's institution attest to the validity of previous articles published in their journal or to retract them. If this is not done, the director of the publication has the right to publish an explanatory note informing that the validity of the previously published work of the author in question cannot be guaranteed.


The review of the manuscripts must be carried out with due respect for the confidentiality of the authors. By submitting their manuscripts for review, they are entrusting journal editors with the results of their scientific work and creative endeavor, on which their reputations and careers may depend. Therefore, the rights of authors may be violated by the disclosure or disclosure of confidential details of the review of their manuscripts. Reviewers also have a right to confidentiality, which must be respected by the editor. Confidentiality must be safeguarded, except in the case of suspicions of dishonesty or fraud.

Editors must not disclose any information about the receipt, content, status of the review process, reviewers' criticisms, or final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript to anyone except the authors and reviewers of the manuscript.

Editors must not disclose any information about the receipt, content, status of the review process, reviewers' criticisms, or final decision on whether or not to publish the manuscript to anyone except the authors and reviewers of the manuscript.

The directors will make it clear to their reviewers that the manuscripts submitted for evaluation are private documents and property of the authors. Therefore, the reviewers and members of the editorial staff will respect the rights of the authors by not discussing the authors' work in public or using the ideas contained in the article, before it has been published. The reviewer must not make copies of the manuscript for his own archive and must not exchange it with other people, except with the authorization of the editor. Editors will not keep copies of articles received for publication that have been rejected.

There are different trends and there is no unanimous position on whether reviewers should be anonymous. Some journal editors require their reviewers to sign the manuscripts that will be sent to the authors, although most opt to ask that this not be done or leave the decision to the reviewer's discretion. If the comments are not signed, the identity of the reviewer must not be revealed to the author or to other people.

Some journals publish the reviewers' comments together with the manuscript; this procedure should not be performed without the prior consent of the authors and reviewers. The editor may forward comments from reviewers of a manuscript to other reviewers of the same article.


The public's interest in news about medical research results in the media actively competing to get information about research as soon as possible. On occasions, researchers and institutions, through press conferences or interviews, disseminate information about the research, before its full publication in a scientific journal.

Relevant medical information is provided to the public without undue delay, and managers have a responsibility to play their part in the process. However, physicians need detailed information before they can advise their patients on issues related to the conclusions of such studies. In addition, the information offered by the media about a scientific investigation before the work is reviewed by experts and published in its entirety, can lead to the dissemination of inaccurate or premature conclusions.

The recommendations set forth below may be useful to directors in establishing their policy in this regard.

-Directors, through journals with a peer-reviewed system, can contribute to the orderly transmission of medical information from researchers to the public. This can be achieved through agreements both with authors not to disseminate their work while their manuscript is still under peer review for publication, and with the media not to release news prior to publication in the journal. , in exchange for which the magazine will cooperate in the preparation of truthful reports (see below).

-Very few medical investigations have such important and urgent clinical implications for public health that they require the results of the investigation to be disclosed before publication in a journal. However, in such exceptional circumstances, the health authorities should take the decision and be responsible for its early dissemination to physicians and the general population. If the author and relevant authorities submit a manuscript for publication to a particular journal, the editor should be consulted prior to the advancement of any public disclosure. If editors feel immediate release is desirable, they should waive the policy of restricting advertising prior to publication.

-The editorial policy aimed at limiting the publicity or dissemination of research before its publication will not apply to the information that appears in the media regarding scientific meetings, nor to the summaries that are presented at said meetings, congresses or conferences (see the section on redundant or duplicate publication). Researchers presenting their work at a scientific meeting are free to discuss their presentation with the press, although it is discouraged that they provide more detail about their studies than they have offered in their presentations or communications.

-When an article is about to be published, editors may wish to assist the media in preparing accurate reports by releasing reports, answering questions, offering advance copies of the magazine, or referring journalists to the appropriate experts. . These actions must be coordinated so that the disclosure of the information coincides with the publication of the article.


Advertising is now included in most medical journals, which generates revenue for the journal's editors, however, advertising should not interfere with the journal's editorial decisions. Editors should have full responsibility for editorial policy. Readers must be able to easily distinguish between what is advertising and what is the scientific content of the journal itself. Juxtaposition of editorial and advertising material for the same products or topics should be avoided, and advertising should not be contracted on the condition that it appears in the same issue as a specific article.

Advertising should not monopolize magazines; however, editors should be careful in cases where only one or two advertisers are running ads, as readers may suspect that the editor is influenced by these advertisers.

Ads for products that have been shown to be seriously harmful to health, such as tobacco, should not be allowed in medical journals. Managers must ensure that existing standards and regulations for advertising are followed. Finally, the directors must take into account and assess all the criticisms that can be made of the advertisements to decide whether or not to publish them.


They are collections of documents related to topics, which are published as a separate number or as a second part of the regular edition, and are usually financed by sources other than the journal editor. The supplements are used for training, exchange of information between researchers, facilitating access to a topic of interest, and improving cooperation between academic entities and organizations. Due to the sources of funding, the article in the supplements may be biased in the selection of topics and points of view. Journal editors should therefore consider the following principles.

1.      La responsabilidad total de la política, practices and content of the supplements is from the director of the magazine. This means that the director of the journal that includes a supplement must approve the action of the director or person in charge of the supplement and retain the authority regarding the rejection of articles for publication.

2.      Se debe indicar de forma clara, if possible on each page, the funding sources or sponsors of the research, scientific meeting and publication. If possible, funding should come from more than one sponsor.

3.      La inserción de publicidad en los suplementos must follow the same standards and practices as the rest of the journal.

4.      Se debe distinguir fácilmente entre la paginación ordinary of the magazine and the pagination of the supplements.

5.      La organización que financie el suplemento no You must make the correction of the edition.

6.      Los directores de la revista y del supplement must not accept personal favors or extra compensation from supplement sponsors.

7.      En los suplementos que realicen publicación secundaria The original information will be clearly identified. Redundant publication should be avoided.


All biomedical journals must include a section that includes comments, questions, or criticisms about published articles and where the authors of the articles can respond. Generally, though not necessarily, this section takes the format of Letters to the Editor. The lack of such a section deprives readers of the possibility of responding to the articles in the same journal in which the original was published.


Editors may receive manuscripts from different authors offering conflicting interpretations of the same study. The directors, in this case, have to decide whether to accept the review of opposing manuscripts sent more or less simultaneously by different groups or authors, or whether to accept the evaluation of one of them even knowing that the opposing manuscript will be submitted to another journal. Leaving aside the question of data ownership, which we do not enter into, the question here is how editors should proceed when they receive competing manuscripts based on the same study.

Two types of multiple submissions can be distinguished: submissions by co-workers who disagree on the analysis and interpretation of their study, and submissions by co-workers who disagree on what the facts are and what data or results should be published. The following general observations may help managers and other professionals who are faced with this problem.


Usually, journals do not want to publish different articles signed by members of a research team with differences in the analysis and interpretation of the data, so sending this type of manuscript is inadvisable. If the members of the research team cannot resolve their differences in the interpretation of the data before submitting the manuscript, they should consider submitting a single manuscript that includes the different interpretations, advising the editor of the journal of such conflict, so that that the experts in charge of reviewing the work can pay due attention to the problem. One of the main functions of the peer review process is the evaluation of the analysis and interpretation carried out by the authors, as well as indicating that the precise modifications of the conclusions be made before the publication of the article. Alternatively, after the publication of the version of the article in controversy, the editors can accept a letter to the editor or a second manuscript from the dissenting authors. Multiple shipments present a dilemma for directors. Publishing conflicting manuscripts as a means of resolving disputes between authors can waste journal space and confuse readers. On the other hand, if editors knowingly publish a manuscript written only by certain members of the research team, they may be depriving the remaining team members of their legitimate co-authorship rights.

Differences in methods or published results

Investigators sometimes differ in their views about what was actually done or observed and what data should be published. Peer review is of no use in resolving this issue. Directors should decline any consideration of such multiple submissions until the issue has been clarified. In addition, if there are allegations of dishonesty or fraud, the directors will inform the proper authorities.

The aforementioned cases must be distinguished from those other cases in which independent authors based on different analyzes of data extracted from public sources. In these circumstances, multiple submissions may be fully justified, and there may even be a good reason for the publication of more than one manuscript, since different analytical approaches may be complementary and equally valid.


The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) is an informal group whose participants fund their work at the URM. The ICMJE is not a chartered organization. Directors are encouraged to coordinate with those organizations that conduct educational programs, meetings, publications, and others offer the opportunity to interact with colleagues. Examples of groups of this type are the following:

·      _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Council of Science Editors (CSE)

·      _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The European Association of Science Editors (EASE)

·      _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  The World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) 

Authors of the current uniform requirements and separate statements.

ICMJE participating journals and organizations and their representatives that approved and revised the Uniform Requirements in May 2000 should be cited as authors of these documents:

Frank Davidoff, Annals of Internal Medicine; Fiona Godlee, BMJ; John Hoey, Canadian Medical Association Journal; Richard Glass, JAMA; John Overbeke, Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde; Robert Utiger, New England Journal of Medicine; M.Gary Nicholls, New Zealand Medical Journal; Richard Horton, The Lancet; Magne Nylenna, Tidsskrift for Den Norske legeforening; Liselotte Hojgaard, Ugeskrift for Laeger; Sheldon Kotzin, US National Library of Medicine.


The following ICMJE members who are authors of the 1997 version and who should be thanked and cited in the May 2000 version:  Linda Hawes Clever, Western Journal of Medicine; Lois Ann Calaianni, US National Library of Medicine; George Lundberg, JAMA; Richard G. Robinson, New Zealand Medical Journal; Richard Smith, BMJ; Bruce P. Squires, Canadian Medical Association Journal; Martin Van Der Weyden, The Medical Journal of Australia; and Patricia Woolf, Princeton University.

This document may be freely copied and distributed for non-profit educational purposes. A digital version (in English) is available on various websites, including the ICMJE website (

       DR . JACK VIZCAÍNO C.     _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf 58d_      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     DRA. MÓNICA MANCHENO      _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  Dr. Moacyr Menéndez
PRESIDENTE AIOI  ECUADOR    _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_      _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d__cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13 6bad5cf58d_     DIRECTORA REVISTA aioi _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_      _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_     _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_  AIOI WORLD PRESIDENT












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